Technology at Our Core

"We’re building a platform at the front line of technology. Our goal is to model the past to better predict the future."

ZF, Machine Learning Developer

"Everything we optimise makes a difference, including ourselves."

ZL, Software Developer

We Custom Built a Cutting-Edge Technology Platform

Optimised to provide liquidity in nanoseconds and at massive scale to the world's largest exchanges and financial institutions.

We capitalise on:

  • Algorithmic Trading
  • Quantitative/ Price Prediction Models
  • Market Microstructure


  • FPGA platform for deterministic risk and order management
  • Unified messaging over Solace
  • Ultra low latency networks with Metamako and Arista
  • High precision data capture using Corvil
  • Google Cloud Platform for deployments at scale


Programming Platforms

  • C++
  • Python
  • Rust
  • SystemVerilog

Open Source

As a company that has benefitted greatly from open source, here are some of the open source projects we've built and contributed to.

Built by Grasshopper

